Baki Wiki
Baki Wiki
Baki Dou2
Author Keisuke Itagaki
Artist Keisuke Itagaki
Original Publisher Akita Shoten
Magazine Weekly Shounen Champion
Genre Action, Martial Arts, Mature,
Original Run March 20, 2014 – April 5, 2018
Volumes 22 (Complete)

Baki-Dou (刃牙道, Baki Dō; stylized BAKI-DOU; literally: "The Way of Baki" or "Baki's Path") is a fourth manga series, written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki, serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion from March 20, 2014 to April 5, 2018. Collected into 22 volumes.

There's a fifth manga series and is named with the same title as the fourth series, but with Baki's name being written in katakana this time instead of kanji (バキ道) and without dash mark.


After the conclusion of the epic battle between father and son, Baki Hanma continues to fight in the underground arena and train nonstop, but he always has to suppress his yawn caused by the overbearing boredom. No amount of stimulus or danger can bring excitement to him at this point.

Now, with the inclusion of the Prime Minister of Japan in the loop, a massive cloning project is attempting to clone Musashi Miyamoto, one of the fathers of martial arts in Japan. Another fight of historical proportions awaits Baki.

List of chapters[]

# English Title Original Title
Volume 1
1 Yawn 欠伸
2 Champion 王者
3 Boredom 退屈
4 The Underground Skytree スカイツリー地下
5 John Honer ジョン・ホナー
6 Premonition 予感
7 Throbbing 鼓動
8 Insemination 受精
Volume 2
9 Birth 出産
10 The Term Strongest 最強という言葉
11 You Can't Create a Soul without the Power of Buddha 仏作って魂入れず
12 A True Psychic 霊媒師
13 Mr. A and Mr. B A君とB君
14 Suspicion 疑念
15 The Original Face 本来の顔
16 Transformation 変貌
17 Awake 覚醒
Volume 3
18 The Beginning 開始
19 It's Close... 近いな…
20 Present Day 現代
21 7 Versus 0 七対〇
22 Sword
23 Visual Impact 衝撃映像
24 Impression 印象
25 Meeting 対面
26 Boy 少年
Volume 4
27 Bamboo
28 Fighting Viewpoint 勝負観
29 Jab ジャブ
30 Two Sword Style 二刀流
31 Catch 察知 (キャッチ)
32 Upset 動揺
33 Come With ツイてる
34 Style
35 The Build Up 集結
Volume 5
36 I Want to See You 逢いてぇ
37 Karate 空手
38 Dance 舞踊る
39 Seriously 真剣
40 Chopping ぶった斬り
41 Homecoming 帰国
42 Martyrs 烈士
43 Weapon 武器
44 People Like That そういう人
Volume 6
45 Weapon II 武器
46 Flutter
47 A Feather 羽毛
48 Beyond Expectations 超越てゆきねぇな
49 Level 水準
50 Lifting of the Ban 解禁
51 A Good Face いい風貌だぜ
52 Shuriken 手裏剣
53 The Art of Weapons 武器術
Volume 7
54 Blink 瞬き
55 Eloquent 三寸
56 A Toy 玩具
57 Defeated 敗れたり
58 The Dominion of Martial Arts 拳法家
59 Unconsciousness 気絶
60 Seiryuu Sword 青龍刀
61 Mimicry 擬態
62 Swish ザンッ
Volume 8
63 Deathmatch 死闘
64 Caught 掴んでいる
65 Next Time 次に…
66 A Mistake 間違っていた
67 Sekigahara 関ヶ原
68 Mr. Sasaki 佐々木某
69 Three Hundred Points 300点
70 Various Martial Arts 武芸百般
71 Katsu 喝あつッッ
Volume 9
72 Kendo 剣道
73 True Ability 実力
74 Friend 友人
75 Aiki アイキ
76 Aiki II 合気
77 Indeed さすがだぜ
78 Advice 助言
79 Obligation 責務
80 A Fierce Adversary 強敵
Volume 10
81 Golden 黄金
82 A Suit of Armor 強靭き肉体
83 True Japanese Steel 日本刀
84 A Warrior's Sense 感性
85 Yuujirou 勇次郎
86 The Ultimate Form 奥義
87 Empty Hands 無刀
88 Interference えらいこと
89 This Moment この瞬間
Volume 11
90 Super Battle 超実戦
91 Real Battlefield 実戦屋
92 Responsibility 責任感
93 Burning Embers 煙草
94 Warrior 戦士
95 Qualified Person 有資格者
96 A Rare Breed 逸材
97 Having Ultimate Power 生殺与奪
98 A Giant Appears 巨大生物
Volume 12
99 Pickle ぴくる
100 The Sewers 下水道
101 Untamed 野生
102 Kindred 似る
103 Dream
104 What Sort of Man? 何者
105 This Guy, Too アイツも
106 Four Hands 手四つ
107 Wildman 原人
Volume 13
108 Death Duel 死合い
109 Testing the Blade 試し斬り
110 Destruction 破壊
111 Bloodthirst 殺気
112 What a Wonder あな不思議
113 Great Condition 絶好調
114 Beasts of Prey 猛獣
115 An Anecdote 逸話
116 Beast
Volume 14
117 Muscle
118 Edges
119 Here ここ
120 Cut Into 斬り込む
121 The Scar 傷跡
122 The Volcano 火山
123 Pair of War Arts 対の武
124 Celebration 祝福い
125 Welcome 歓迎
Volume 15
126 Guardian 守護り
127 That's Fine それでいい
128 The Keystone of the Grip 握りの要
129 A Choice 選択い
130 Slashed... 斬った…
131 Parted From Life 命の両断
132 Solitude 孤独
133 Thank You ありがとう
134 "Treasure" of the Age 時代の『宝』
Volume 16
135 Mayhem 騒乱
136 This is "War"... 『戦』だ…
137 Againt the Country 対国家
138 Cutting the Country 国斬り
139 Separation 孤高
140 Draw a Sword 抜剣
141 To Draw 抜くぞ
142 Greatness 偉大さ
143 Rescue 救助う
Volume 17
144 Something He Can't Cut 切れぬもの
145 Which One? どっちだ
146 Sorcery 妖術
147 Extraordinary 非日常
148 Everyday 常日頃
149 Great Person 英雄
150 Severity 峻烈
151 Panic 恐慌
152 One-Hit-Kill 瞬斬
Volume 18
153 One Without Equal 絶対的無双
154 Resolution 英断
155 For the Sake of this Country 国家の為
156 A Welcome お迎え
157 The Standing Man 侠客立ち
158 Pure 純粋い
159 The Dark
160 Scars and Swords 疵と剣
161 Fist Master Versus Sword Master 拳豪vs剣豪
Volume 19
162 The Closed Fist 拳骨
163 Iron Sense of Honour 鉄の義
164 Palace of Flesh 肉の宮
165 Caring of the Hanayama's Style 花山流の気遣い
166 Comparison of Pure Power 純粋力比べ
167 Righteousness and Sword 義と剣
168 Infallible Thoughts 不倒の想い
169 A Wonder 驚嘆
170 That Man, Hanayama その漢、花山
Volume 20
171 Liar 嘘つき
172 Entertainment 一興
173 Just Disappeared 消えたね
174 Toughness of Spirit 気の強靭さ
175 The Big Match ビッグマッチ
176 Butcher Him 屠り去る
177 Primitive Man and Samurai 原始人とサムライ
178 Glass Balls ガラス玉
179 Admiration 感服
Volume 21
180 Long-Awaited 待望
181 In For a Penny 喰らわば
182 The Pinnacle 極点
183 Continuation of the Tachiai 立ち合いの継続き
184 Special Technique 絶技
185 Starting Point 出端
186 Close Quarters 近間
187 Quick Draw 引き出し
188 The Attainment 到達
Volume 22
189 Realization of Training 修行観
190 Farewell おさばら
191 Power Over Life and Death 生殺与奪
192 The Path of the Sword 剣の道
193 The Close 終局
194 His Send-Off 送る
195 Crimes
196 Veneration 供養
197 Going Forward これから
197.5 Nomi no Sukune 野見宿禰



