Baki Dou (バキ道, Baki Dō; stylized BAKIDOU; literally: "The Way of Baki" or "Baki's Path") is a fifth manga series, written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki, serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion from 2018.
The series is named with the same title as the 4th series was, but with Baki's name being written in katakana this time instead of kanji (バキ道) and without dash mark.
Japan's oldest and strongest "sumo god" is Nomi no Sukune. And now, after more than 2,000 years, his successor is born. This time, Baki will challenge the real god of sumo. The series tells the story of the main characters' clashes with the aforementioned powerful fighter.
The theme of the series is not only Nomi no Sukune of the new generation, but also the struggle with sumo martial arts. In the Underground Arena, the main characters have to face the best sumo fighters.
List of chapters[]
# | English Title | Original Title |
Volume 1 | ||
1 | The God of Sumo | 相撲の神 |
2 | They Set Foot Upon Each Other | 両者相踏み |
3 | Challenge Match | チャレンジマッチ |
4 | A Gigantic Challenger | 巨大きい挑戦者 |
5 | Rikishi | 力士 |
6 | The Truth of Karate | 空手の真実 |
7 | Genres | 世界 |
8 | Baki and Doppo's Match | 刃牙と独歩の一番 |
9 | Shikoashi | 醜足 |
10 | Mister Unchained | ミスターアンチェイン |
Volume 2 | ||
11 | Sumo's Domain | 相撲の領域 |
12 | Versus the Sandbag | VS サンドバッグ |
13 | On-Scene Arrest | 現行犯逮捕 |
14 | The Power of the Triangle | 三角形の強み |
15 | Free Fight | フリーファイト |
16 | The Most Muscular Pose | 最筋量姿勢 |
17 | A Grip Strength of 100,000 Atmospheres | 10万気圧の握力 |
18 | Hairstyle | 結髪 |
19 | Kinryuuzan's Great Idea | 金龍山の妙案 |
Volume 3 | ||
20 | Shoulder Blade | 肩甲骨 |
21 | Sukune Versus the Oozeki: Conclusion | 宿禰vs大関 決着 |
22 | Reactions in the Sports Papers | スポーツ紙の反響 |
23 | Vanquish | 破邪 |
24 | Sukune's Training | 宿禰の修行 |
25 | Neglect | なおざり |
26 | The Octagonal Dohyou | 八角形の土俵 |
27 | Baki Versus Sukune | 刃牙vs宿禰 |
28 | Anideshi | 兄弟子 |
Volume 4 | ||
29 | Shikirinaoshi | 仕切り直し |
30 | Rikishi's Malaise | 力士の違和感 |
31 | Triceratops Fist | トリケラトプス拳 |
32 | Rikishi, All | 全員、力士 |
33 | Give it a Go | 格闘ってみんか? |
34 | Monoii | 物言い |
35 | Tokugawa's Sounding-out | 徳川の打診 |
36 | Fighting Alongside Retsu | 烈との共闘 |
37 | The Yokozuna's Cross-Discipline Match | 横綱の他流試合 |
Volume 5 | ||
38 | Versus Yokozuna Reihou | VS横綱 零鵬 |
39 | Versus Komusubi Honoo | VS小結 炎 |
40 | Versus Oozeki Kyogei | VS大関 巨鯨 |
41 | Versus Sekiwake Taketsurugi | VS関脇 猛剣 |
42 | Versus Maegashira Top Shachihoko | VS前頭筆頭 鯱鉾 |
43 | Versus Sekiwake Shishimaru | VS関脇 獅子丸 |
44 | Connection | 繋ぎ |
45 | Unity | 一体感 |
46 | Full Body Exercise | 全身運動 |
Volume 6 | ||
47 | The Matches Open | ホンバン開始 |
48 | Smiling | 微笑み合い |
49 | When He Met With Aiki | 合気との出会い |
50 | An Overwhelming Difference in Weight | 圧倒的体重差 |
51 | Shibukawa Versus Kyogei | 渋川 vs 巨鯨 |
52 | Nokotta | のこった |
53 | The World's Greatest Indiscrimination | 地上最無差別 |
54 | The Limits of Size Difference | 体格差の限界 |
55 | With Age Comes Wisdom | 年の功 |
Volume 7 | ||
56 | A Master's Potential | 達人の底力 |
57 | Further | これ以上は |
58 | Where Size Difference is Blind | 体重差の盲点 |
59 | The Conclusion of the First Match | 先鋒戦、決着 |
60 | Doppo Versus Taketsurugi | 独歩VS猛剣 |
61 | Ecstasy | 至福 |
62 | The Ultimate Completed Form | 究極の完成型 |
63 | Like a Knife | まるで刃物 |
64 | Shikodachi | 四股立ち |
Volume 8 | ||
65 | The Technician's Toolbox | 技師の引き出し |
66 | The Scent of Screeching Pain | キーン臭 |
67 | Interfering | おせっかい |
68 | Hanayama Kaoru Versus Shachihoko | 花山薫 VS 鯱鉾 |
69 | Contest of Manliness | 漢比べ |
70 | He's that Kid!!! | あの子だッッ!!! |
71 | Completed Product | 完成品 |
72 | Man Stance | 漢構え |
73 | Darkness | 闇 |
Volume 9 | ||
74 | Drinking Party | 飲み会 |
75 | Orochi Katsumi Versus Shishimaru | 愚地克巳 VS 獅子丸 |
76 | Orochi Katsumi, Reborn | 新生愚地克巳 |
77 | The Length of Ten Seconds | 10秒の長さ |
78 | One To Wake Him Up | 気付けの一発 |
79 | Japan x China | 日本×中国 |
80 | His Last All-Out Burst | 最後の全力 |
81 | Affecting the Brain | 脳への効かせ |
82 | Soccer Kick | サッカーボールキック |
Volume 10 | ||
83 | Baki Versus Honoo | バキ vs 炎 |
84 | The Tiny Giant | 小さな巨人 |
85 | Melted | 溶けた |
86 | Dunno | 知らん |
87 | Back to the Start | 原点 |
88 | Dash | 初速(ダッシュ) |
89 | Expectation | 予感 |
90 | Speed Competition | 速さ比べ |
91 | His Opponent's Wheelhouse | 相手の領域 |
Volume 11 | ||
92 | The Conclusion of Baki Versus Honoo | 刃牙VS炎 決着 |
93 | Super Middle-Schooler | 超中学生 |
94 | Just Who Is He...!!? | 何者なのか…!!? |
95 | Modern Sumo and Ancient Sumo | 近代相撲と古代相撲 |
96 | Payback | お返し |
97 | Emergency "Mawashi" | 必要火急な「廻し」 |
98 | The 6-on-6 Match Ends | 6対6マッチの結末 |
99 | Ogre | Ogre |
100 | I am Male, and All Others are Not | 我以外皆 異性也 |
Volume 12 | ||
101 | He Exists For Combat | "戦闘用"の存在 |
102 | Monoii | 物言い |
103 | Compassion | お優しい |
104 | The Same Things | 云われてきた言葉 |
105 | Metaphor | モノの喩え |
106 | Change of Appearance | 輪郭の変化 |
107 | Goudou | 嚙道(ごうどう) |
108 | Clumps of Vital Points | 急所ノ塊 |
109 | Amateurs | 素人 |
Volume 13 | ||
110 | A Hanging | 首吊(ハンギング) |
111 | Negligence | 怠慢 |
112 | An Audience | 人目 |
113 | Accidents | 緊急事態(アクシデント) |
114 | Technical Arsenal | 技術体系 |
115 | A Confounding Tachiai | 不可解な立ち合い |
116 | That Stance | あの構え |
117 | The Stance of a Wild Beast | 獣の構え |
118 | His Impossible Foe | 存在しえ得ない |
Volume 14 | ||
119 | Nice Guy | ナイス漢(ガイ) |
120 | The Height of His Head | 標高 |
121 | Everything I Want | 欲シイ全テ |
122 | Their Biggest Weakness | 最大ノ弱点 |
123 | Bad One | 悪い奴 |
124 | Metal Ball | 鉄球 |
125 | Just How Fast Are They? | どんだけ速ぇえ? |
126 | Let's Set Foot Upon One Another | 相踏み合いましょう |
127 | Leap | 飛ぶ |
Volume 15 | ||
128 | Tactical Retreat | 敵前逃亡 |
129 | The Kehaya Household | 蹴速一族 |
130 | Chair | 椅子 |
131 | Kehaya-ryuu and Karate | 蹴速流と空手 |
132 | Ancient Sumo Versus Karate | 古代角力と空手 |
133 | Kehaya Versus Doppo | 蹴速VS独歩 |
134 | Kehaya's Drive | 蹴速の意地 |
135 | A Brand New Sound | 初めて耳にする音色 |
135.5 | Still, Igari Kanji is Forever! | やっぱり猪狩完至は永遠だよネ! |
Volume 16 | ||
136 | The Whaling Harpoon | 捕鯨砲 |
137 | Linear Force | 直線力 |
138 | Nasty Night | 嫌(や)な夜 |
139 | The Pair | この2人 |
140 | Eye-Level | 目線 |
141 | His Most Muscular Pose | 「マスキュラー」ポーズ |
142 | The Giant and the Ball | 巨人と球 |
143 | Swallowing | 嚥下 |
144 | The Limit for Going All-Out | 全力の限界 |
Volume 17 | ||
145 | Warm-Up | ウォーム・アップ |
146 | Sufficient | 丁度よい |
147 | Ten Seconds | 10秒 |
148 | The End of the Fight with Sumo | 角力(すもう)との決着 |
149 | The Martial Arts World's Sense of Real Fights | 武術界の実戦性 |
150 | Chomp | ガブリ |
151 | The Hunter at the Heart of Tokyo | 東京都心狩猟民族 |