Baki Wiki
Baki Wiki
Hanma Baki
Baki son of ogre
Author Keisuke Itagaki
Artist Keisuke Itagaki
Original Publisher Akita Shoten
Magazine Weekly Shounen Champion
Genre Action, Martial Arts, Mature,
Psychological, Shounen, Sports
Original Run December 1, 2005 – August 16, 2012
Volumes 37 (Complete)

Hanma Baki (範馬刃牙, Hanma Baki), also known as Hanma Baki: Son of Ogre or Hanma Baki: The Boy Fascinating the Fighting God, is a third series, written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki, serialized in Weekly Shounen Champion, began on December 1, 2005 and ended on August 16, 2012. Collected into 37 volumes.


Baki: Son of Ogre is the sequel to the Baki series. Baki trains for the the final showdown between him and his father. The story begins with Baki developing a new form of image training where he can physically create an opponent to spar against. The second saga takes place in prison where Baki intentionally commits a crime just so he can battle against Biscuit Oliva. The next saga is about Pickle, a caveman from the Jurassic Period who's been revived into modern society. Several Baki characters battle against Pickle as centuries ago Pickle managed to not only fight dinosaurs but eat them occasionally. The fourth saga is about Kaiou Retsu who becomes a boxer after losing a leg in his fight with Pickle. The last saga of Son of Ogre is the long awaited fight of Baki vs Yuujirou.


List of Chapters[]

# English Title Original Title
Volume 1
1 The Bloodline of the Fighting Gods 闘神の血族
2 His Son その人の子
3 The World's Strongest Senior 世界一の高校生
4 A Young Friend 小さな親友
5 A Worthy Adversary てきとうな相手
6 Fighting Your Shadow 幻影闘争
7 Willpower 意志力
Volume 2
8 The Battle Begins 初戦
9 Different Species' Bare-Handed Fight 異”種”格闘技
10 What Was After その先
11 Human and Insect ヒトとムシ
12 Fighting Style 戦闘形態
13 The Chance 好機
14 From the Same Kind to Predators 同種から捕食種へ
14.5 Baki Side Story: The Birth of Hanma Yuujirou バキ外伝/範馬勇次郎誕生
Volume 3
15 Devil Smile 鬼の笑み
16 The Next Stage 次戦
17 Route 道筋
18 The Second Man 第2の男
19 The Only Freedom 唯一の自由
20 Prison and Hell 監獄と地獄
21 A Different Kind of Freedom 自由の種類
22 Right to Challenge 挑戦権
Volume 4
23 2 2
24 The Rules
25 The Young Lion 若き獅子
26 Next Generation 次世代
27 Fighting 対峙
28 Bare Hands 徒手
29 War 戦争
30 Teamwork チームワーク
Volume 5
31 1+1+1=? 1+1+1=?
32 Rarely 滅多
33 The Warrior 戦士
34 Man of the Sea 海の賊
35 Winds
36 Oliva and Guevaru オリバとゲバル
37 Similarity and Dissimilarity 共通点と相違点
38 Leaving the Place カヤの外
Volume 6
39 Unyielding Thoughts 譲れぬ想い
40 The Previous Night 前夜
41 Love
42 Prison 刑務所
43 Small Actions and Great Determination 小さな動作と大きな意志
44 Superman and Superman 超雄と超雄
45 Smoldering 燻り
46 Gilberto Style ジルベルトスタイル
Volume 7
47 Destruction 破壊
48 Gale 暴風
49 Iron
50 Land of the Free 自由の国
51 Baki 刃牙
52 Refreshing Movement 新たな動き
53 Decision Time 決着の刻
54 Perfect Conclusion 完全決着
Volume 8
55 Escape 脱走
56 Distance 距離
57 Oliva and Baki オリバと刃牙
58 The Freedom of Baki 刃牙の自由
59 The Hunter and the Hunted 追う者、追われる者
60 The Pursuer 追う者
61 Discipline 規律
62 The Weak One 弱者
Volume 9
63 Prostration 平伏す
64 What I Mean Is... こーゆー意味
65 Purity 純粋
66 Prisoner Talks about It 受刑者は語る
67 Prison Official Talks about It 刑務官は語る
68 The Change その変化
69 A Moment 刹那
70 Unconscious 無意識
71 Consciousness 意識
Volume 10
72 Miscalculation 誤差
73 Terror 恐怖
74 Over the Muscle Over the Muscle
75 Beyond the Muscle 筋肉の向こう側
76 The End of the Fist 拳の果て
77 Surpass 勝る
78 Realization 実現
79 Filial Piety 親孝行
Volume 11
80 Start of the Chaos 混沌の始まり
81 Jealousy 嫉妬
82 Movement 行動
83 The Order from the President 大統領命令
84 The Same School 同窓
85 Awakening of Love 恋心
86 Instinctive Let Go 本能のままに
87 Test of Might 力比べ
Volume 12
88 Completely Surrounded 完全包囲
89 Quiet 静寂
90 Subject of Interest 興味の対象
91 Jest 戯れ
92 Culmination 成就
93 Wild Power Versus Martial Power 自然力VS武力
94 Tricks 小細工
95 Thank You 謝々
96 The Flowing Tears 流るる涙
Volume 13
97 I Can't Let It Go 離さない
98 The Bosom of Martial Arts 武の懐
99 Versus Human 対人間
100 Contradiction 矛盾
101 The Meaning of the Battle 闘う意味
102 The Meaning of Retsu's Name 烈という意味
103 The News of the Defeat 敗北の報
104 Robbery 強奪
Volume 14
105 Wandering 徘徊
106 Discovery 発見
107 Extending His Power 長たる器
108 Having a Strong Father 強き父を持つ事
109 Two Strange Fellows 奇妙な二人
110 Road Closed 通行止め
111 Spiritual Strength 精神力
112 The Arrival 到着
113 Affection 恋慕
Volume 15
114 Metamorphosis 羽化
115 The 501st Year 501年目
116 Self Control 克己心
117 Oasis オアシス
118 Supersonic Speed 超音速
119 The Perfect Technique 完全技
120 The Thirst for Survival 生への渇望
121 The Gift of Nature 天賦の才
122 Preparing for the Battle Against the Savage 対野人準備
Volume 16
123 The Reason of the Lethal Weapon 最終兵器たる所以
124 The Young Leader 若きリーダー
125 History Versus Time and Space 歴史vs時空
126 A Gigantic Fang 巨大な牙
127 Hunting 狩り
128 The Aerial Wall 空気の壁
129 The Weight Difference 体重差
130 And It Happened 成りし時
Volume 17
131 Gratitude 感謝
132 A Victory Roar 勝利の咆哮
133 His Hands Clasped 合掌
134 The Result 結晶
135 The Blossoming 開花
136 China & Japan Collaboration 日中合作
137 The Meeting 会談
138 Duty 本分
139 Like an Ogre Like an Ogre
Volume 18
140 Tooth Versus Fang 歯VS牙
141 Chewed 咬む
142 Strongest Blow 最強打撃
143 Feeling 実感
144 And This Fight Is... この闘いとは――
145 Flexibility 柔軟性
146 Reflexes 反射神経
147 Prayer to God 神頼み
148 Admiration 憧憬
149 Sting of a Bee 蜂の一刺し
Volume 19
150 Stab a Person 人の一刺し
151 Ignition 点火
152 Shall Let the Greed of Their Own 自らの欲せしモノ
153 Early Sacrifice 早贄
154 Genealogy of Hanma 範馬の系譜
155 Come to Realize 醒悟
156 Super Males… 超雄同士…
157 Rather Than to Eat… 食べる為ではなく…
Volume 20
158 Pride 矜持
159 Diving ダイビング
160 Prayer 祈り
161 Safety Products 安全物
162 Weak Food Strong Meat 強肉弱食
163 A Piece of Skin 皮一枚
164 Equal Blow 平等な打撃
165 Columbus' Egg コロンブスの卵
166 Full Possession 完全憑依
Volume 21
167 Genius 天才性
168 First Confrontation 初対決
169 Start スタート
170 The Wind in the Willows 柳に風
171 I Want to See... 見たいな…
172 Interesting... 玩味…
173 Like a Butterfly Like a butterfly
174 Fierce Pain 激痛み
Volume 22
175 Final Form 最終形態
176 What We Lost 失ったもの
177 Veteran Scars 歴戦の疵
178 Meet Attack 迎撃
179 I was... 俺は
180 Finale Finale
181 Unwritten Rules of the Fight 闘争の不文律
182 Friendship Treaty 友好条約
183 Hanma Yuujirou's Story 範馬勇次郎/談
Volume 23
184 A Hanma Brain 範馬脳
185 Primitive Man's Place 原人の帰する所
186 Fighter's DNA 闘いの遺伝子
187 My Friend... 親友よ…
188 Proof of Friendship 友情の証
189 Martyr of Love 恋に殉ずる
190 From Those Words Onward... あの言葉があったから…
191 Leave It... そっとして…
Volume 24
192 House of Physical Strength 腕力家
193 Imagination イマジネーション
194 Special Ability 特殊能力
195 Introduction to Boxing 拳闘入門
196 Before It Ends... 事切れる前に…
197 Entering the Hall 堂に入る
198 Unique = Original 個性=オリジナル
199 A New Frontier 新たなる境地
200 Destiny 天命
Volume 25
201 A Man Looking for the Strong 強きを求めし者
202 Family Gatherings 家族団欒
203 Urgent Meeting of Experts 緊急有識者会談
204 Parent and Child Declaration 親子宣言
205 The Beautiful Fist Thrown 美しき打拳
206 Ruler (Kaiser) 皇帝 (カイザー)
207 Home Cooking 家庭料理
208 The Iron Rule of Fire 火事の鉄則
Volume 26
209 Quarrel Solicitation 喧嘩勧誘
210 Liquefaction Phenomenon 液化現象
211 Will-o'-the-Wisp 鬼火
212 Affectation 虚飾
213 Startup 起動
214 Press Conference 記者会見
215 Inexplicable 不可解
216 Most Dangerous Zone 最危険地帯
217 Million Dollars ミリオンダラー
Volume 27
218 Family Meeting 家族会議
219 Turn the Table ちゃぶ台返し
220 Selection 選択
221 The God of Boxing 拳闘の神
222 Intimidated 威圧感
223 Reasons for Fighting 闘う理由
224 Countless Scars 無数の傷
225 Glove グローブ
226 Highest Authority 最高峰
Volume 28
227 Fight Score (Tofu) 闘譜 (とうふ)
228 Fighting Power 戦闘力
229 Shock 震盪
230 Pure Fighting Spirit 純闘志
231 Meeting 出迎え
232 Chiharu Style 千春流
233 Coach コーチ
234 Chiharuism 千春イズム
235 Eye Hits 眼突き
Volume 29
236 Price of Smoke 煙払い
237 Report 報告
238 Match Maker マッチメイカー
239 Lights are Usually Followed by Shadows 好事魔多し
240 Ippon Ken 一本拳
240.5 Extra Round: Retsu Kaiou Extra Round/烈海王
241 The Fastest and the Strongest 最速と最強
242 Tough 逞しさ
243 Parent and Child Love 親子愛
Volume 30
244 The Visit 来訪
245 Father and Son, the Encounter 親子、接触す
246 Education 教育
247 Rock-Paper-Scissors ジャンケン
248 The Riot Police Report 機動隊曰く
249 The Last Supper 最後の晩餐
250 The Battle of the Strongest Father and Son 史上最強の親子喧嘩
Volume 31
251 A True Father and Child Quarrel 真・親子喧嘩
252 Punishment 仕置き
253 Beyond the Expectant Father 超えられぬ父
254 Cornered Rat 窮鼠
255 Overwhelming Pain 絶大なる激痛
256 The Signal of a Counterattack 反撃の狼煙
257 Dissolution 溶解
Volume 32
258 270 Kilometers Per Hour 時速270キロ
259 Urban Legends 都市伝説
260 Beyond the Wall 壁の先
261 Big Audience 大観衆
262 Big Flame Burst 大炎上
263 Rude 無礼
264 Fierce
265 Play Around 戯れ合い
266 Shoukeiken 象形拳
Volume 33
267 Cooperation Illusion 共同幻想
268 True Shoukeiken 真・象形拳
269 Merging Together 溶け合う
270 Giant Evil Appearance 巨凶出現
271 Trigger 引き金
272 A Gentle Stroke 撫でる
273 Cannot Exceed 超えられまい
274 Affectionate 可愛がり
Volume 34
275 Interrupted 邪魔立て
276 On and On 上へ上へ
277 Pull Out the Fist 抜拳
278 Secret Art, Secret Technique 秘技・秘術
279 Above My Father 父の上
280 The Tiger King Returns 虎王返し
281 The Sacred Water of the Fight 闘いの聖水
282 A Good Night 佳き夜
283 The Awakening of Blood 血の覚醒
Volume 35
284 Father and... 父、そして…
285 Son, Father and... 息子、父、そして…
286 Yuuichirou 勇一郎
287 On the Battleship 戦艦内
288 Earth's Strongest Grandson 地上最強の孫
289 Nunchaku 双節棍
290 Dress ドレス
291 Power Shape 力の形状
292 Foundation of Trust 信頼の礎
Volume 36
293 Father's Present 父への贈り物
294 Melancholy of a Man ある男の憂鬱
295 Glorious Light 栄えある光
296 Effort... 努力しても…
297 Two Brave Men 雄々しき二人
298 As the Hanma... 範馬たるもの…
299 Spectator 見物人
300 Fighting through Flesh and Blood 血肉を争う
301 Piggyback 肩車
302 What the Mural Represents... 壁画が表すもの…
Volume 37
303 How to Make a Fist 拳に込めるモノ
304 Another Comparison 比較べっこ
305 When the Battle will Stop 闘いが停止るとき
306 An Opponent to Confront 対峙する相手
307 What is Transmitted from the Fist 拳から伝わるモノ
308 A Hug From my Father 父からの抱擁
309 Same as Mother 母と同じ
310 A Gift from the Giant and Evil 巨凶からの贈り物
311 The Father's Taste 親父の味
311.5 Final Chapter: Goodbye 最終話 さようなら



New Edition[]

Hanma Baki's New Edition (新装版 範馬刃牙, Shinsōban Hanma Baki), released in 2021-2022.
